Oscillon or soliton? Not sure which. The difference can be subtle.


Neither is gainful on its own, but that is not the end-of-story. A good
analogy is the 'rogue wave' on the ocean (which is a rare massive energy
anomaly) but is not evidence of net gain. 


The net gain would then need to come from derivative interactions with the
wave, and in the spirit of Hotson this could relate directly to positronium
- but probably not to full "annihilation". (that would have turned up


. more likely it is a disruption in the epo lattice, with result being the
ionization potential of virtual Ps is deposited in our 3-space.


This is falsifiable ! since the gain is in the form of UV light at 6.8 eV.
It should be evident (but could be downshifted) when anomalous energy is



From: Terry Blanton 


I think Ahern, et al have found the secret with this oscillon theory.  If
so, the new game begins.


Here is a simple explanation of oscillons:





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