It is apparent that this list is being disrupted by several characters who do 
nothing but make false arguments.  As you realize, they do not make 
contributions that are helpful.
We would be wise to totally ignore their posts and I plan to do so.  It is 
unfortunate that they would dedicate so much time and effort to this means.

I made a good faith effort to explain the system to one of them to no avail.  
That particular one refused to discuss the operation of Rossi's 1 MW system in 
details point by point.  
It is apparent that he realized that his argument was being dismissed and ran 
for cover.  Maybe he was afraid that he would have to accept the fact that 
Rossi's test was valid
once his misconceptions were revealed.


-----Original Message-----
From: Aussie Guy E-Cat <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Sun, Nov 20, 2011 12:21 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:How should I demonstrate LENR, if I can reproduce it?

Proof? Rossi and his agents are taking orders. No money paid until 
elivery and your engineers have certified it meets the agreed claims. 
he only scam is in your straw man statements. You claim to have money 
r access to money. All you need do is to place an order (Rossi has said 
e will go down to a 100 kW plant, so USD200k is all you need to come up 
ith) and report to all the world how that process goes. But do you do 
hat? Apparently not as it seems you enjoy playing at being a straw man 
n just about every E-Cat discussion forum on the net (which begs the 
uestion, is there more than one Mary Yugo straw man on the net?), 
nstead of putting your money where you mouth is and engaging the 
rocess of ordering a thermal plant from Rossi.

n 11/20/2011 3:34 PM, Mary Yugo wrote:

 On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 8:51 PM, Aussie Guy E-Cat 
 < <>> wrote:

     All you have are your straw man argument. Where is your proof that
     the colonel was not who Rossi said he was and that Rossi lied when
     he recently said the original purchaser was military and has now
     purchased a further 13 x 1MW plants.

 Ah.  It's the person making the claim that needs to provide the 
 proof.  Rossi is making the claims. I am only asking some relevant 
 questions.  Rossi has a poor track record with two previous tech 
 failures and some say, criminal activity.  Also he was convicted -- I 
 know he debates the merit of the charges.  But that's enough that I 
 won't believe that he has an anonymous client without the ability to 
 check and his next 13 sales are equally uncheckable.

     With Rossi we have photos of hardware, videos, data, first hand
     reports, peoples names, history of other tests, etc.

 I don't find the evidence you cite adequate to prove that Rossi's 
 device works by cold fusion and is in fact a nuclear reactor.  But I 
 won't rehash why again -- out of compassion for the other readers.

     With you all we have is an internet alias and your straw man claims.

 All you have is an internet alias with many people.  It isn't 
 convenient to verify anyone's identity on an email list, "Aussie Guy 
 E-cat".  I don't suppose that's your real name, is it?  Anyway it's 
 irrelevant who I am because I am not saying anything I ask you to 
 believe because I say it.  Rossi is.  And we know his record.

 Straw man claims?  Which ones exactly are those?

 If you have proof that Rossi has a client and that the "colonel" works 
 for that client and that Rossi has sold 13 plants to some military, 
 I'm happy to look at it.  If not, I maintain you don't know that it is 
 a fact.

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