Krivit provides details of the deal Rossi refused from Celani:

The terms appear extremely reasonable and the cost is very low, especially
for someone who just sold a $2 million plant and is sitting on an order for
12 more!  Note the time schedule too.

This is particularly troubling because it seems so incredibly absurd and
inconsistent with everything Rossi has previously said about how many
E-cats he's constantly "testing for customers" :    “Rossi answered that my
test, among others of very low cost…was too-late because the E-Cat [had
been] sold,”

Assuming that's a correct quote by and from Celani, my reaction would be:
Too late, Mr. Rossi?  You mean you don't have any copper E-cats lying
around Celani could test?  No extra Ottoman modules?  How about borrowing
one from the production line for a few days-- one intended for the next
megawatt plant?   Rossi implying that he is "plumb out of dem E-cat things"
is so patently ridiculous that it's one of the more flagrant and obvious
lies and contradictions Rossi has perpetrated over the months.  It's so
obvious it makes me wonder about his mental state when he wrote it.

I'm sure someone will explain it and make excuses for Rossi.  If it's not a
correct quote, I'd expect Celani to deny he wrote or said it and Rossi to
correct it.

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