I wrote:

> Swartz talked about optimizing output . . . .

I refer to Swartz's papers on Optimal Operating Points (OOP). I do not mean
that optimization or a high COP is unimportant. I meant that most
researchers considered Swarz's approach premature. They figured that
problem will take care of itself after they learn how to control the
reaction. And so it did.

I think the Hyperion 200 W overhead includes the power needed to control
the reaction and also to run the electronics. It takes 200 W to control a 5
- 11 kW small reactor. It takes only 310 W (150 W more) to control a 45 kW
reactor. That is an extra 150 W to control an additional 34 kW. That comes
to an input to output ratio of ~1:226 for the extra power.

I think this ratio is meaningless from an engineering point of view. It
probably has some scientific significance.

I have no idea how the power controls the reaction. Frankly, I don't care.
I am glad there is a method of controlling the reaction. It is worth every
joule of overhead.

- Jed

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