Geocentrism took over 1000 years to "debunk".
The Law of CoE might take as long to debunk.


On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 8:19 PM, Jed Rothwell <> wrote:
> Charles Hope <> wrote:
>> Are there any examples of pathological science persisting 20 years without
>> being properly debunked?
> Not to my knowledge. Unless you count things like water memory, which may be
> real after all, and acupuncture and chiropractic, which seem to work.
>> Are there any examples of new science remaining on the fringe for 20 years
>> before being finally accepted into the mainstream?
> Genetics, photography and semiconductors. See:
> Countless others, such as electric motors, incandescent lights and and
> calculators took decades to be developed. They were considered
> laboratory curiosities with no future and no practical value.
> - Jed

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