> As I said, most cold fusion research is done on a shoestring,
> tucked away in a corner were the people in charge will not
> notice it. You have to keep a low profile in this business. So
> please do not write letters to the Navy demanding this be
> allowed. You will only make things worse. I will greatly regret
> relaying this news here if people bring pressure on the Navy,
> and the Navy makes life even more miserable for cold fusion
> researchers.

What difference does any of that make? Rossi is churning out
megawatts of e-cats and Defkalion is preparing to sell their
well-engineered devices.

Customers will talk, they will show off their new toys, they will
contact the highest officials. China will steal the technology and
heat yurts in Tibet and sell e-cats to Sears.

The battle has been won. The genie is out of the bottle. Rossi's
demos have proven cold fusion is real.

Haven't they?

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