Stephen A. Lawrence <> wrote:

> Yes.  For long enough to get through the contract awards process, and, as
> far as I can tell, for several years after that.
> If Paradyne had delivered on time and on budget the fake would never have
> been noticed.

The article says:

When Paradyne couldn't develop the computer in time for the demonstration,
it used one manufactured by another company but presented it as its own,
the prosecutors said.

In other words, they changed the face plates and logos. That was a genuine
working computer they showed but it was not their own. The person examining
this computer was not familiar with the competing product. Presumably, this
stolen computer processed the Social Security data correctly.

This would be analogous to Defkalion demonstrating genuine cold fusion
reactors to experts, where they did not actually develop these reactors.
They stole them from Rossi or someone else. I will grant that my contact
would not be capable of seeing through this ploy.

Demonstrating fake reactors would be analogous to  setting up a cardboard
box, telling the programmers that it is a computer and expecting them to
believe it.

- Jed

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