This is awful. Krivit's attack on McKubre is beyond the pale. I do not want
to say anything more about that. I do not want think about it.

One thing though. I hesitate to rake over long-ago controversies, but I
would like to point out something about this fax from Swartz to Krivit here:

Swartz sent me a similar letter when I quoted one of his papers and offered
to upload it. He threatened legal action in words similar to this fax if I
ever quote his papers or upload one. He sent me two messages like
this. That is why I deleted his papers from ICCF Proceedings at People may have difficulty believing he would make such
extreme threats, but he did.

>From time to time he accuses me of censorship. It is his decision not to
allow papers. I told him to send me explicit permission if he has changed
his mind. I sent him a suggested draft of a letter granting permission. I
would happy to copy to anyone or share here . . . although it seems

I don't mean to pick at a scab here. But I would like to once again make it
clear that I want no adversarial relationship with anyone in this field.
That includes even the most extreme skeptics. If Close or Park send me a
contribution, I will be happy to upload it. My opinion of the work does not
enter into it, except in rare cases when I (or Ed Storms) decide a paper
has nothing to do with cold fusion.

I would never upload a paper against the wishes of an author. I have never
had a problem with any other author making threats, or even getting
upset. I am never insistent. I ask. They say no. End of story. Ten or 20
authors have refused permission or not responded. Several publishers have
refused, which is understandable.

The only exception I make to this rule is when the author is deceased and
he or she was someone I knew would not mind. Someone like Okamoto
or Lonchampt, who were were great guys.

- Jed

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