Daniel Rocha <danieldi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Supporting someone that wants to help this monster alive instead of
> changing for better it is asking me too much.

No one is asking you to do anything. Some overworked volunteer campaign
staff person added your name to a mailing list. You should tell them to
remove your name, or take a moment to add the message to your gmail
auto-delete file. What you should *not* do is report them to Google for
phishing, because that will get them into trouble. All of their outgoing
mail will be censored. It is tough to get Google to undo a block once they
put it in place.

Stop making a mountain out of molehill.

I disagree with Hekman's politics but it would be a shame for you to
torpedo the first political campaign in history that features support for
cold fusion. Let's see how far he can go with that as his signature issue.

- Jed

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