Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That's 20 mpg.  You must be thinking of SUVs.  :-)

I like round numbers. I have the 2002 Edition of the Annual Energy Review
printed out with lots of post-it notes. Under "AUTOS, TRUCKS" on p. 61 it
shows "Passenger Cars, Fuel Rate (miles per gallon)" for the year 2001.
That's the average. It was 22.1 mpg. 20 is close enough.

I should print out a more recent edition.

Let's see what the latest one says . . .

Okay, by 2008 we were up to a mighty 22.6 mpg. Such progress!

You see why I do not bother to print out a more recent one.

DOE/EIA-0384(2010) | October 2011
Annual Energy Review 2010

- Jed

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