On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 8:21 AM, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> That he will never do. As McKubre says, he wants chaos. He wants people to
> think he has nothing. That is his business strategy. It has been all along.
> He thrives on controversy. He stirs it up deliberately.

I wouldn't be surprised.  After attempting to follow the details of this
thread and pin down those that have a basis in fact, those that are hearsay
and those that are speculation on the part of commentators, I've given up.
 Here are my conclusions:

   - We don't know exactly what transpired with the container in the
   Bologna office, except that it doesn't look like it moved during the time
   between the filming of the two video clips.
   - There is reason to believe that Andrea Rossi has made some
   contradictory statements.
   - Rossi seems like a cagey fellow.

I wish I could add something substantial to this list, but I can't.  I
haven't taken time to watch all of the videos or read the comments on Web
sites, so I have to rely on others for the second detail.  I can't even
conclude that Rossi has probably lied.  The final result is a lack of
clarity about the situation.

Like detectives in a cheap novel, we're looking for incriminating evidence
in every little scrap.  In the process we have ended up with little more
than speculation.


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