*Does the rossi water heater contain toxic nickel nano particles?*
I don’t think so. The nickel is granulated in the micro size range. The
negative biological activity of nickel particles in this size range may not
be harmful.

*Can we put his fraud behind us and focus on nuclear contamination issues?*

* *
*If rossi is calming new LENR would it stand to reason new radiation?*
The Rossi technology holds promise to remediate nuclear waste produced by
current nuclear technology. This boon to our civilization alone warrants
interest in the quantum mechanical clockwork that underpins the NiH

*If rossi is calming new LENR would it stand to reason new radiation?*
*Would homeland security seize any nuclear device at the border or has rossi
thought of that and moved the material already?*
The cold fusion reaction produces radiation that ranges from soft X-Rays to
the  infrared.

Anyone can produce transmutation in their own home by electric arching pure
carbon electrodes and pure water; and transmutation occurs in certain
living systems.

This type of reaction should not be of concern to nuclear regulators since
it occuence is  so pervasive in the natural world.

On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 12:32 PM, thorium breeder <thorium.bree...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> I would like to thank everyone for the response and ask a few more
> questions if I may.
> Don`t even tankless water heaters explode everyday in America?
> Has any one seen a water heater explode?
> Does the rossi water heater contain toxic nickel nano particles?
> Can we put his fraud behind us and focus on nuclear contamination issues?
> If rossi is calming new LENR would it stand to reason new radiation?
> Would homeland security seize any nuclear device at the border or has
> rossi thought of that and moved the material already?

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