I was thinking:

As a good example, the ecatnews.com headline reads: "Andrea Rossi: Almost 100,000 Domestic eCat Orders".

How many of you have (subconsciously?) read this as "domestic orders for an eCat" instead of "orders for a domestic eCat"? And how many of you have assumed for other reasons that this preorder list was limited to individuals? In fact I think it is not limited to that in any way.

If I were Rossi I'd carry a notebook and jot down everyone with a big mouth : individuals, small business owners, large business representitives, for the numbers they are even half-jokingly mentioning.

And why not? In the end all these "orders", including my own (which I put in on the first day the list was opened, when it was priced substantially higher than it is now), are subject to that one conditional: the device should work. If *he* knows it works, he knows the condition is met, and there is no real reason not to accept these words as a preorder, even if the one who said it was not convinced himself at the time.


On 02/10/2012 08:38 AM, zer tte wrote:

replying to someone asking how many e-cats where pre ordered already, rossi made the following comment :

"about 100,000"

As the pre order announce occurred about 81 days ago this gives us about 1234 pre orders everyday, well i guess rossi's mailbox must be pretty crowded these days and i think the assistant sorting out all those orders every day really deserves our gratitude for doing such an insane job. So how many of these ordered 10+ units ? everyone ? this still makes at least 123 orders to sort everyday, 100 ? we go down to 12 orders per day, seems more manageable, but anyway something seems a bit off with these numbers.

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