I think Rossi is adding to English more words, coming in some sense from
Italian, than in the last 5 centuries.
Clownerie has been translated by Akira  into travesty. Clownerie is another
Rossi's invention, if I can imagine what take places into his brain I think
the right path is clown ==> pagliaccio ==> pagliacciata (the act of being a
clown) ==> clownerie; I think it should be translated into buffoonery
(clowning, silly behaviour)

2012/2/14 Chemical Engineer <cheme...@gmail.com>

>   <http://blog.newenergytimes.com/author/sbkrivit/>
>  *Smith Offers $1 Million Prize for Successful E-Cat 
> Demo*<http://blog.newenergytimes.com/2012/02/14/smith-offers-1-million-prize-for-successful-e-cat-demo/>
> by *Steven B. Krivit* <http://blog.newenergytimes.com/author/sbkrivit/>
> *From:* Margot Egan [on behalf of Dick Smith]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 14 February 2012 12:51 PM
> *To:* Andrea Rossi Re. E-CAT
> *Subject:* from Dick Smith in Australia Re. U.S. One Million Dollars for
> Successful Re-Testing of E-CAT
> *To: Andrea Rossi**
> From: Dick Smith*
> Dear Mr Rossi
> *Re:  USD1,000,000 for Successful Repeat of E-CAT Demonstration*
> Dick Smith is my name.  I am writing to you from Sydney, Australia.
> Possibly the best information in relation to my background is on Wikipedia
> - see *HERE* <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Smith_%28entrepreneur%29>.
> Some time ago I was contacted by Mr Sol Millin of the Byron New Energy
> Trust.  Mr Millin has had extensive communication with you.   Mr Millin
> communicated the advantages of your ECAT unit in relation to energy and how
> it had the potential to solve the world’s energy problems.  Mr Millin said
> that he had your authority to act on your behalf in relation to an
> agreement for the Australian “rights” to your invention.
> After some discussion, I agreed that I would invest AUD200,000 provided
> that evidence could be shown that the unit actually worked as claimed.
> There has been a lot of to’ing-and-fro’ing since then, with Mr Millin
> claiming that he has provided me with the evidence and with my insistence
> that this is not the case.
> At one stage Mr Millin even sent me an email (attached) threatening to sue
> me for one-hundred-million-dollars if I did not proceed with sending him my
> AUD200,000.
> As Mr Millin and I do not seem to be getting anywhere on this issue, I
> have determined a way that we could possibly break this nexus, i.e. I would
> like to offer you USD1,000,000 for a successful repeat of the March 29,
> 2011 demonstration.
> One million US dollars will be made out to you as a Bank cheque or will be
> held in an escrow account if you desire.  I do not want to know how the
> unit operates, nor to have a share in the profits from any sales.  My
> satisfaction will come from knowing that if the unit is successful, then
> some of the world’s greatest problems – especially in relation to climate
> change – will be solved.
> I point out that over the last few decades my wife and I have donated
>  many millions of dollars to scientific research, much of it without any
> immediate results.  We have not complained about this.
> My offer is very simple, which I will restate:  I ask you to repeat the
> March 29, 2011 demonstration purported to show that your E-CAT unit had an
> output power of many times the input power through LENR (low energy nuclear
> reactions).
> As the sole judges as to whether this can be repeated correctly, I suggest
> we use the two Swedish scientists, Kullander and Essen, as they attended
> the March 2011 demonstration and wrote a report.  I would be happy to cover
> any reasonable cost of having them flying to Italy to attend the repeat of
> the demonstration.  They can then check the wires (because, as you know,
> there have been claims that the wiring may have been misconnected) and also
> the power output of the unit in relation to both the heated water and the
> steam.
> I would be happy, with Kullander and Essen as the sole judges as to
> whether the unit has the power output you have claimed, to hand you an
> irrevocable Bank cheque for USD1,000,000 made out in your name if the
> demonstration is successfully completed.  If Kullander and Essen are not
> available, I am happy to agree with you on two other individuals of similar
> expertise to attend the new demonstration as the judges.  I am sure we can
> come to an agreement as to who would be suitable and independent.  It would
> also be necessary to have a third person - who you and I can agree on - to
> assist with the type of measuring equipment and its accuracy so there are
> no doubts that the scientific community will accept the results.
> I understand the 29 March 2011 demonstration took place over a period of
> more than six hours and showed a power multiplication of approximately ten
> times.  To make the demonstration test even fairer, I would be happy if the
> demonstration to qualify for the assignment of the USD1,000,000 were
> reduced to a five-hour period and with a power multiplication ratio of at
> least eight times. This will make it very much easier for you to qualify
> for the USD1,000,000,  As far as I am concerned, eight times’ power
> multiplication through LENRs will solve the world’s power problems for the
> future.
> Mr Rossi, I believe the advantage of my offer is that you can show the
> sceptics (I am presently one of them) that the unit actually works as you
> have claimed.  I notice that you have had other investors offering very
> large amounts of money, and I can understand your concern in relation to
> this.  My offer is USD1,000,000 without any conditions attached at all in
> relation to where you will spend the money.  You can use it for further
> research - perhaps to re-purchase your house or even donate some of the
> money to charity.
> Well, there it is.  It’s quite simple.  Successfully replicate the
> demonstration showing the power gain from LENRs of March 29, 2011 with the
> two Swedish scientists, Kullander and Essen (or two other individuals we
> agree on), and USD1,000,000 will be yours.
> Also, of course, you will receive attention from around the world and a
> well-deserved Nobel Laureate.  I will consider I have had value for my
> money as the person who actually proves that your unit works (or doesn’t) –
> an issue which will be resolved for all time.
> My offer is open for you to accept until *close of business Monday 20
> February 2012*.
> I look forward to your reply.
> Yours faithfully
> Dick Smith

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