> Do you also disagree on how I describe the demonstration
> setup as being ridiculous, and not worth of drawing any
> positive conclusions from in the way Stirling Allen does?


As I have previous stated, I am not an electrical engineer. As such it
is not my place to pass judgment on your current technical analysis of
the South African contraption. However, I noticed that a lot of your
analysis is heavily layered with subjective conclusions that, quite
frankly, have little to do with your technical analysis, such as your
conclusion of Sterling's inability to discern when he is being used,
in your words, as a "prostitute".

You strike me as being more interested in defending your original
conclusions which regrettably includes a strong belief in that
Sterling is not terribly bright. Well, maybe Sterling isn't the
brightest bulb on the planet, but then maybe he has a few more watts
than some of us might think. Frankly, I dunno. Be that as it may, in
this particular situation I'm not interested in conclusions pertaining
to speculation of the so-called personality faults of Sterling. I see
enough of that kind of folly with Mr. Krivit and his attempt to
analyze Rossi's quirky behavior.

I will repeat once again: My primary concern is that we don't throw
the baby out with the bathwater. I wait for more definitive tests to
be performed, such as when Sterling presumably gets one of the
contraptions in house where definitive testing can then be performed.
You may recall that I have also previously stated that I have serious
doubts as to whether any so called OU will be discovered. However, my
current pessimism could turn out to be completely misplaced. It would
be unwise of me to allow my pessimism to overrule what Nature may
actually be trying to tell us. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to
interest you, and that puzzles me. It's as if to show any more
curiosity that what you have currently allowed yourself to indulge in
could possibly contradict your current conclusion which seems to be
based on a belief in Sterling is an idiot.

> Unless I have been missing a lot, this whole magnet motor
> thing does not have the scientific support or endorsements
> that LENR has, so I find it to be in a completely different
> league.

I think you may have indeed missed a few things that go on in this
list. Granted, LENR makes up a large part of what is discussed here,
but LENR is not by any means the only topic of interest. The kind of
magnetic related research that Sterling refers to has often been
discussed extensively here.

BTW, you continue to refer to this particular device as a "magnet
motor." That is an incorrect description. It also suggests to me that
you haven't been following this particular topic extensively. I can
certainly forgive you on that matter because there are many topics on
this list that also I do not follow in great detail. I have only so
many hours in a day.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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