Von:"pagnu...@htdconnect.com" <pagnu...@htdconnect.com>
An: Guenter Wildgruber <gwildgru...@ymail.com> 
Gesendet: 18:59 Samstag, 31.März 2012
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:Should there be a prediction market for LENR?


>You are too cynical 

no, my dear friend, I'm trying to be a humanist realist.
Cynicism is completely alien to me.

I just try to keep a distance to the worst of the lot, which are the

In principle they can be easily spotted.
In practice, this is a high art, because they are a constantly moving target.

Level (1) and (2) is where 'we', the searchers for level0 'truth' feel
comfortable with, but it is the level (3) fraudsters, where we are not so

A betting market, where the the scene is crowded with fraudsters, is a strange
one, and I do not want to engage in such a 'market'.

Let us not forget the grey zone of deception-self-deception, which is
all-to-human, and the method of rigid logic is not too sharp a sword.
It is the other way round: Argument AVOIDS rigid logic, because this would
decide upon issues.

How far this goes down even to the quantum level, is an interesting question.
To my knowledge, Whitehead was one of the rare thinkers to ponder upon that
delicate question.
For different reasons.

best regards



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