Abd accidentally published some comments here. I will respond to one or two
details just to set the record straight:

> Jed, this boils down to his making a mistake, *at worst.*

Sure! "Worst" is the operative term. It was the worst mistake I have ever
seen published in professional literature. This report would earn you a
failing grade in high school. However, I doubt that malice was intended.
Hoffman was a sweet fellow. Stupid, but nice.

Of course he was brilliant in his own specialty. Stupid people are often
valuable experts at one thing, and hopeless at anything else.

Schneider, on the other hand, is smart, and he is a political animal. His
goal was to sink yet another dagger into cold fusion. That's why SRI
threatened to sue when the book came out.

> You are very clearly exaggerating. He does not "devote chapter 3" to that
> hypothesis.

Pages 33 - 40 are devoted to this hypothesis. The other 3 pages set the
stage for it. I would say that's every page. I think you are quibbling.
There should not have been a single sentence devoted to this nonsense.

There are dozens of other idiotic statements in the book. I listed several
examples in my review.

> I would assume that he did not ask Ontario Hydro about this because it
> wasn't necessary.

No, he did not ask because it never occurred to him to ask. That's what he
told me. It never occurred to him because he was stupid. The publisher is
lucky Ontario Hydro did not join SRI in threatening a lawsuit.

- Jed

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