another detail I've heard recently is the importance of the dose flow, and
not only the dose.

fast dose flow will cause much more dammage, than regular flow of the same

this have been recently studied and published.
it is not new data, but simply catching more attention than before.

practically this mean that population living in radioactive zone , have
much less risk than emergency workers, at the same dose.

in fact in the old time all test were done with intense dose flow, and this
increase resulst far from reality.

George monbiot (the Guardian Environmentalist croniquer) have wrote a "Irve
been manipulate" kind of article after fukushima when he gather some data
and realised how he have been foolled. the idea is not new for me, but he
gather really shocking data

like fecundity of fishermen that seldom survived nuclear test, and alike...

honestly recently I've seen the effect of alcooh, overweight, tobacco,
compares to 1Sv at Hiroshima, I get really surprised...
I get also surprised to see that 1/3 of death are cancer, and half are
linked to genetic cause, half from those bad behaviors, maybe about 1% or
car air pollution, 0.5% of environemental risk,

it seems that our risk assessment as a society is very very stupid. LENR
blackout is nothing compared to those delusions, and the trillions wasted
in useless fears and avoidable death...

moreover most of the death at Chernobyl seems to be consequence of stress,
caused by disinformation and evacuation. It seems that at Fukushima they
anticipate that problem and try to prepare  the minds, but maybe is it no
more possible to step back from panic mode.

as it was for LENr when mainstream get locked in a delusion, it is
impossible to get out. Hopefully LENr will terminate the question, instead
of giving the good answer.

2012/7/24 Jed Rothwell <>

> Alain Sepeda <> wrote:
>> if the dose is very low, the cell detect the error and launch "apoptosis"
>> (clean suicide).
>> if dose get higher (the cell know that because of neighbor messaging) the
>> cell use  heat shock protein system to repair nicely all the errors.
>> if errors get too numerous, the repair start to be dirty (just filling
>> the hole).
>> when it get worse, the cell stop doing anything and let it happens.
> That is interesting. That would explain why the effects vary so much. A
> threshold response will be complicated. It will vary from individual to
> another, and also by age and stage of growth. It isn't just the radiation
> or heat that causes the problem or controls the extent of it; it is the
> reaction of the body in response.
> Another example of a threshold response is what happens when you are
> infected with bacteria. Depending on your state of health, how lucky you
> are, and various other factors, you may never notice -- or you might be
> killed. This poor woman in Georgia, Aimee Copeland was exposed to a common
> waterborne bacteria, Aeromonas hydrophila. This is dangerous but it seldom
> infects people. When it does infect, the results can be
> dire. Copeland nearly died, and lost her feet and hands I believe.
> - Jed

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