With the announcement of ecat-3 by Rossi, I increasingly get the impression 
that he is sort of a suicide bomber on a global societal level, destroying theĀ  
plants of hope, the LENR community has.

Focusing hope, making ridiculous claims, then: bang, it was just a joke.
Probability: 90%.

Is Rossi planning a career as a comedian, or is he simply deluded, or is he a 
stooge of the oil-industry, or does he -ahem- 'really' have something?

Just asking (myself).
Consider this as a set of probabilities.

Rossi's cascade of unsupported claims hints to the first set of options. 
Deluded: 60%.
Suicide or similar techniques of leaving the stage: 20%
Really have something: 0.x1% to 10%
Comedian, Uri Geller-type: 2%

Other: rest.


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