Note that CEO Dr James Truchard is no newcomer to the field, with his interest 
beginning in 1989. Can't go back much further than that.

Note also that the good Doctor, at 16:53 recommends dropping the names 
cold-fusion or LENR in favor of "quantum reactor" ... to me this is tacit 
admission that NI has seen no evidence of nuclear reactions which are even 
close to commensurate with the excess heat produced. 

They have been involved with Rossi, Defkalion, and Celani so that makes me 
think this fellow has a lot of inside information to share - and we should 
encourage him to do a history of his involvement.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jed Rothwell 
Akira Shirakawa wrote:

> Please watch this from minute 15:00 onward:

That's great!

Finally, we are seeing some real progress. I think I'll put in the News 
section at If I have time today . . .

I'll put a link to Krivit's report as well.

- Jed

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