Baloney.  This is your opinion proffered as law.

Nothing more than a bunch of BS. A Natural Born US citizen is one with both US citizen parents and born on US soil. Period. Stop the lies.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Abd ul-Rahman Lomax" <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 3:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Blather in the mass media makes scientists think we are crazy

At 10:38 AM 8/9/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Bambi's mother was a US citizen, although by the laws during that time, she was too young to confer US citizenship to bambi. But even if she could, that would only make Bambi a mere US citizen; not a Natural Born US Citizen.

This is made up. The bulk of interpretation of "natural born US citizen" is citizenship by right of birth, as distinct from later actions. That is, if the person can, merely by showing the circumstances of birth, establish citizenship, they are "natural born." The provision, as interpreted, distinguishes between natural birth citizenship and naturalized or adopted citizenship.

My two youngest daughters are U.S. citizens, but not by right of birth, it was through later adoption and legal admission into the U.S. That's not by "right of birth."

It is correct that if Obama had been born elsewhere, to his mother married to a British citizen, as he was at the time, he'd not have been a "natural born citizen" by the laws regarding citizenship at that time. He was born about three months too early, his mother was only 18, and had not lived in the U.S. for five years after age 14. Three months later, she had. This, however, is a complexity not contemplated in the Constitution and I would not consider the matter determined until it was litigated.

It could be argued, indeed, that the Constitutional provision refers only to a very narrow definition of "natural born," though this, itself, leads to some severe interpretive problems. I doubt a court would adopt that. So far, it hasn't, and natural born citizen has clearly meant anyone born in the U.S., citizenship by right of birth location, but also those whose parents are citizens, both parents, and it is only when it is only one parent that the rules get complicated.

It's all moot. Obama was born in Hawaii, as a legal fact. Overturning that legal fact would be extremely difficult, and, so far, it looks like attempts to do it have been based on forged documents and pure innuendo and speculation.

I got an email, for example, that claimed the hospital on the long form birth certificate didn't exist at the time of the birth. That demonstrates just how wrong one can be by doing a little internet searching and jumping to conclusions. Aha! Look at this! It says right here:

Name of the Hospital Obama was supposedly born at should have been Kauikeolani Children's Hospital until 1978. Then they merged with the Kapi'olani Maternity Home in 1978 and became Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children.

Of course, none of those are the name of the hospital on the birth certificate. It says "Kapiolani Maternal and Gynecological Hospital." In fact reading the alleged fact, I don't know which institution Obama was born in. Could have been the Children's Hospital or the Maternity Home. And either one could use the name "Kapiolani Maternal and Gynecological Hospital" for the maternity unit. Someone jumped to conclusions.

The obvious way to test this: look for other birth certificates from the same period with the same name.

It's been done.

I really want to point to the strong belief behind these posts. It's like the pseudoskepticism that has afflicted cold fusion. No matter what evidence is shown, there is always an objection. The goal posts move. It's obvious that the belief is fixed.

It's the same with other issues. Once one buys that the Bible is not only the True Word of God, but also that one is correctly interpreting it (that's ego and attachment), everything that appears to be different -- such as evolution -- *must* be false. So one searches for reasons why it's false, so as to appear rational.

As to real faith, it doesn't look like that. One would have no certainty, with real faith, that others are wrong. One would be unmoved by disagreement, one would have no problem considering what others mean, and faith is a condition of the heart, not a set of texts.

Many people are unaware of this salient requirement. To them a US citizen is qualified automatically to be POTUS. That is not what the Constitution says: In order for one to be qualifed, one needs to be a Natural Born US Citizen.

Strav man argument. People who seriously write about this know the requirment. Right or wrong, it is a requirement. My youngest two daughters are not eligible to be President. But the rule might be changed by then....

Natural Born US Citizenship has a specific technical definition under our laws. You just can't make up your own rules and declare bambi to be Natural Born US citizen based on your opinion.

The basis is that he's a natural born U.S. citizen by any standing intepretation. There were attempts to define this as excluding children born in the U.S. of non-citizen parents, or one parent not a citizen. They failed.

Bambi, however, isn't qualified to be present. Bambi is a deer, and has no birth certificate.

The Shadow Government Kabbal

Kabal or Cabal. Spell it correcly.

 is counting on the fact that Americans are either dumb or apathetic.

yeah. Both.

They just don't know or they just don't care. Well, they just underestimated Americans, cause 70% are demanding that bambi comes clean and present his real Vault Birth Certificate.

Now, Dave was not exactly correct. Substantially, if one has an American citizen mother, one is a natural born citizen (by right of birth), but there are exceptions. They have changed over the years. According to the law at the time of Obama's birth, his mother would have had to have resided in the U.S. for five years at some point after turning 14. Since she was three months shy of 19 at the time of the birth, Obama would not have been qualified as natural born under that law. The law was changed, it's now two years. Easily qualified.

It's not clear that legislation that establishes citizenship rights can alter the meaning of the Constitutional provision. But a contrary opinion leads to even worse problems.

Which law applies? I don't know and don't care, because Obama was born in Hawaii, that is legally certain at this point.

Prove the documents are forgeries, with evidence that would stand up in court, or shut up. You just make yourself look like an idiot.

If the documents are forgeries, apparently they are very old forgeries, accompanied by birth announcements in newspapers. Come on, Jojo, how long will you keep up this charade?

Until the Day of Judgment?

----- Original Message ----- From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2012 11:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Blather in the mass media makes scientists think we are crazy

<< I thought that since his mother was an American citizen then he
automatically was. Is this not the way it pans out? Does the location of birth
outside of the USA make one a non citizen?

Dave >>

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