The absurdity that any black ancestor makes one "black" is a residue of the
American Civil war where any descendents of white slaveholders and black
slaves would continue to be defined as "black" and segregated. To any but
the most prejudiced eye Obama can be equally regarded as "white". My own
bloodlines are all Irish, descended from an indentured servant who arrived
before the 1776 revolution.


Mike Carrell


From: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2012 9:01 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Blather in the mass media makes scientists think we are


>From Jojo


> Obama was indeed NOT born in Hawaii.  If he was, why the fake Birth

> Certificate?  Why hide his Birth Certificate for so long?


> Once again, I find myself having to correct your misinformation. 

> You like taking pot shots and insult those you disagree with,

> using these one liners.


No birth certificate ever made a man or woman what they are today. It's what
they do with their life after they are born that matters.


Would birther's be so much in a tizzy if Obama had been white?


Would any of these birthers have really cared that much about the status of
Obama's birth certificate?


Pardon the foul language that is about to come out of my mouth, but I wish
birthers would just be honest with themselves and call a spade a spade. It
is draining to incessantly have to listen to individuals who call themselves
god fearing Americans who don't even know they are still in the closet on
this matter.


The history book will have a lot to say about this unfortunate incident, and
it will not be good: A group of so-called god-fearing Americans hid their
bigotry behind a constitutional premise that Obama's birth certificate was


On the same vein, I think individuals like Arnold Schwarzenegger ought to
have the constitutional right to run for president. For better or worse, he
had been elected to run the most powerful state in the United States. Many
think he didn't to a half-assed job of it. Granted, if given the chance many
would probably not vote for Arnold, but I suspect many would. I think he
ought to have the chance. At least he isn't black.



Steven Vincent Johnson


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