At 08:38 PM 8/10/2012, Jojo Jaro wrote:
Baloney. The courts have ruled that a Natural Born US citizen is one where both parents are US Citizens and born in US soil. And here you are elevating yourself to a position higher than the courts. You can not throw away court decisions you don't like. That is anarchy.

Jojo, a little lesson in logic.

The proposition that A is B does not negate that C may also be B.

Someone with both parents who are U.S. Citizens are "natural born U.S. citizens." However, this does not tell us what the situation is with the other cases. You are claiming that "the courts have ruled" only with respect to the first case. You have not pointed to any case ruling on the relevant other cases.

Specifically, here, the most relevant question is whether or not a person born in the United States or U.S. territories, of a U.S. citizen parent and a non-citizen parent, which is the case with Obama, is a "natural born citizen." Any case on that, Jojo? My understanding is that there have been cases, and they have not gone as you have claimed, certainly not after the 14th amendment was passed.

to quote it:
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

This covers "natural born" with the first category. Naturalized is the excluded category. Naturalized citizens cannot become the President. People born in the United States (i.e., subject to U.S. jurisdiction at birth) are citizens by right of birth, and "natural born citizen" has never meant, since that amendment, anything but that.

You are confidently asserting that there are contrary cases, "the courts have ruled." Okay, what cases? Put up, or, more likely, given how you are trending, shut up.

You know, I don't even read you verbose essays anymore. I grow tired of the lies, the misinformed opinions, and the blatant propaganda masquerading as informed opinion. You have succeeded in doing one thing. You have succeeded in wearing me down with your useless words.

So maybe the time has not been entirely wasted.

So, I'll let you have the last word. Anyone who listens to you deserve to have the same cranial enema that you apparently are in serious need of.

Someone who believes what you write is in even more serious trouble....

Make us all happy, perhaps your only good deed here. Go away.

I will say that I've learned a lot in the last couple of days. I really had no idea how crazy the birthers were. Jojo's arguments about the odds against random mutations driving speciation were at least, old arguments, not totally wing-nut, just erroneous. But he went totally off the deep end, not only about the birth certificate issue, but with the constant use of contemptuous names, like "bambi." All the while pretending to be a Christian. I don't believe it. I work closely with real Christians, they are not responsible for Jojo any more than I'm responsible for Obama bin Laden.

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