I wrote:

> http://i50.tinypic.com/2e49mbd.jpg
>> I can't pull up that exact graph, but the fluctuations are similar in
>> the lower P_Xs Low parameter.
> Ah, that does look better. The periodicity is maybe a little too regular.
> But better.

If I had to pick a likely instrument artifact, I would guess those
fluctuations are the HVAC cycle. Maybe not; they seem too long for that.
They turn on and increase for 30 to 50 minutes, and then off for about that
long, turning on again as soon as the baseline is reached. That is what a
thermostat does, but 50 minutes is longer than it takes to heat most

Maybe the ambient temperature recording (T_Ambient) can rule out this

I assume those are minutes on the X-scale.

- Jed

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