
I'm still working the kinks out of the experimental procedures.  At first
glance, the behavior doesn't appear to be different than the nickel and

What I am working on now is a three electrode system.  One is made out of
nitinol, and I'm using this as a heating element only.  Another is made out
of nitinol of the same length as the one used for the heating element.  The
third is made from stainless steel.

With the Android control system, I am running DC electrolysis for 9 seconds
(16 watts) and then pulse 80-90 watts of 94khz AC (100 milliseconds)
through either the heating element or axially through the cathode.

What you end up with is a comparison of runs of pulsing the AC through the
cathode vs. pulsing it through the nitinol used as a heating element.  I
have to make a new cathode and heating element and start over making
certain the impendance is matched for both.  The idea is that you have one
nitinol wire loaded with hydrogen and one that is not loaded with hydrogen.
 I'm thinking the HFAC current may trigger LENR in the hydrogen loaded
cathode but not in the heating element.

I thought the nitinol is intriguing for the reasons you noted (titanium and
nickel being used in past experiments) and its shape changing when heated.
 I think the next thing to try will be a similar setup using a combination
of tungsten and nitinol paired together.  Then we'll be running with 3
materials that have shown results from other researchers.

Also, thank you for the thoughts on endotherm possibilities.  I'll keep
that in mind if I see something anomalous.


On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 8:29 AM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

>    Jack,****
> Nitinol is a interesting choice since both nickel and titanium are proton
> conductors with a history of positive results in LENR - and the wire is
> commonly available. Plus there is the strange “memory” effect (which could
> be utilized for audible resonance). ****
> It appears from your other pages that you’ve done simple calorimetry to
> see if there is evidence of thermal gain using nickel, tungsten etc. Even
> though those results were apparently inconclusive, does Nitinol appear to
> give markedly different results from the others? ****
> I said “different” instead of better - since it should be mentioned that
> in Ahern’s testing for EPRI there was another anomaly – cooling. IIRC it
> was an alloy of nickel and titanium (embedded in zirconia) which provided
> the appearance of endotherm – the mysterious disappearance of input energy.
> It might help to do an acid etch of the wire as the endotherm is associated
> with nano-porosity (and Casimir – which can be both an attractive force or
> repellent - depending on geometry changes)****
> If you were seeking anomalous endotherm, which could be equally important
> (theoretically) to gainful exotherm, the experiment would probably need
> different parameters - such as lower voltage DC and surface treatment for
> nanostructure - but it could be worth the effort. ****
> Adding energy to achieve a lower thermal state may seem to be
> counterproductive at first glance, but perhaps it is the one detail that
> will make everything understandable. ****
> There was a bit of evidence that the folks saw a bit of
> endotherm and were trying to explain it way – rather than to deal with it
> as part of the package of Ni-H oddities.****
> Jones****
> *From:* Jack Cole ****
> I've been conducting a new series of electrolysis experiments with Nitinol
> (56% nickel/44% titanium).  I did a little video demonstrating nitinol's
> effect of contracting when heated while running an electrolysis experiment.
>  I'm using KOH as the electrolyte. ****
> May be of interest to some here.  Seems to me that this alloy may be
> promising for LENR. ****
> ****
>  ****
> Best regards,****
> Jack****
> ** **

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