Eric Walker <> wrote:

> I think this has been mentioned here before, but what about diverting the
> unneeded power to drive electrolysis and capture the hydrogen for later use
> in a generator that makes use of an internal combustion engine or is sold
> on the consumer market?

A fuel cell would be more efficient than an internal combustion engine or
gas turbine. There is ongoing research to develop that. I think at present
this is not as efficient as pumped hydro storage (70% to 85% -- as I
mentioned). It has the advantage that you can send the hydrogen by pipeline
and recombine it closer to a big city where they need the electricity. That
may have lower transmission losses than electric power lines do. Also pipes
are cheaper and take up less space than high voltage electric power lines.

Do a Google search for "electrolysis energy storage" and you find stuff
like this:

- Jed

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