(Starts with some weird Ronny/Refuge7 stuff, which needs a separate thread)

Speaking of Mr. Yildiz and the Top 5, his wight [weight?] there is diminishing 
for the following reasons:

    He's not as close as I had thought to being ready for production.

    It is difficult to work with him; and this is one of the primary reasons he 
still is not in the market though he's had this technology developed well 
enough to bring in funding for at least 15 years. There is some good talent 
coming forward to help him now, which will take the edge off of this weakness; 
but it is still a significant drawback.

    The motor will not be easy to replicate. Too many magnets, too easy to not 
get them just right.

    Though it could be good for an open license, the difficulty of replicating 
will make it less easy to have it go viral. 

I'm going to be working on a list of reasons why I think his motor is 
legitimate. However, it takes a lot more than just a working technology for the 
technology to be successful in going to market. 

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