
What happens to an electron that is in free space when it encounters a photon?  
One could easily imagine that it merely changes momentum and energy relative to 
our observation frame, but then you have to ask about the issue of time.

So, what does a free space electron that absorbs a photon behave like as 
compared to a free space electron that has more energy than one at rest?  Can 
you tell them apart by any measurement?  Is there any reason to expect the now 
more energetic electron to radiate when it is moving at a greater, constant 


-----Original Message-----
From: Axil Axil <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Thu, Apr 18, 2013 3:14 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:QED and LENR+

...if an electron has spin 1/2 and a photon spin 1, then how does the
 combination end up with spin 1?

Because that is what Wikipedia says.

“The polariton is a bosonic quasiparticle, and should not be confused with the 
polaron, a fermionic one, e.g. an electron plus attached phonon cloud.” 
But your confusion is on-target. The spin of the polariton might well come from 
the dipole that makes it up.
Electrons emit and adsorbed photons all the time and they still have ½ spin.
But your confusion has inspired burgeoning confusion on my part because the 
article says that coupling times increases the probability of BEC formation.
 The article says
“While strong optical coupling in the single-quantum limit provides tremendous 
possibilities for quantum information processing through quantum electrodynamic 
effects, (4, 5) it is through the use of strong optical coupling in many 
particle systems that phenomena such as Bose-Einstein condensation in the 
solid-state (6, 7) and low-threshold polariton lasing and light emission (8, 9) 
have been discovered.”
“Additional surface passivation that preserves the polaritonic nature of the 
excitations at small nanowire diameters (22) allows us to push the observed 
vacuum Rabi splitting to values of up to 200 meV in comparison to bulk values 
of 82 meV. These results provide new avenues to achieve very high coupling 
strengths (beyond bulk) potentially enabling application of exciting phenomena 
such as Bose-Einstein condensation of polaritons,”
In quantum electrodymanics (QED), coupling is another name for charge. In QED, 
the photon is the charge carrier. Also in this confusing statement, could they 
be saying that the charge of the polariton is greater than the electron? But in 
this paper it looks like the authors are using the term in another way related 
to photon coupling.

I could be making bad inferences.
The photon coupling decreases the mass of the polariton by a factor of 10,000. 
This could be the reason for the increase in BEC formation probability.
Charge of the polariton cannot be 16 times more powerful in a polariton than in 
an electron; Can it?
I am learning this stuff also; I need to increase my proficiency in QED, 
because the devil is in the details. Enlightenment is welcome for all those who 
are kind enough to grant it.
Cheers:   Axil

On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 11:57 PM,  <> wrote:

In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Tue, 16 Apr 2013 20:39:24 -0400:

>The capture time of the photon is important to the LENR+ reaction because
>while the photon and electron are combined, the electron becomes a boson
>with spin of 1.

...if an electron has spin 1/2 and a photon spin 1, then how does the
combination end up with spin 1?


Robin van Spaandonk


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