In pursuit of more evidence for the ~300 eV photon - in the sense of it
being the active energy transfer particle for the Rossi effect, another
curiosity turns up - the water window. This is a favorable scaling region at
the border of EUV and x-radiation for near-coherency and transparency. The
wavelength is around 4 nm in the spectral region between the Carbon and
Oxygen K shell absorption edges. 

The Rossi effect does not employ planned coherency it would seem, unless AR
is cleverer than anyone imagines. However, from the earliest days, Dicke
superradiance was thought to be involved in LENR in a causative way, even if
inadvertent. Preparata expanded on this - and it was called DPSR or
Dicke-Preparata Superradiance. Ahern calls it "energy localization".

This all goes back to simulations done by Fermi, Pasta and Ulam on one of
the first supercomputers at LANL. They simulated a one-dimensional array of
masses connected by ideal "springs" obeying Hooke's Law. They gave the
system x-amount of vibrational energy and followed the oscillators over
time. The simulation showed that all of the springs shared the same amount
of vibrational energy; and thus almost  verified one of the most basic
tenets of statistical thermodynamics. However, this is NOT the end of story,
and they quickly found a strong qualification to the rule - local anomalies
of extreme proportions at low nanometer geometry.
When Ulam changed the simulation slightly in a way consistent with chaotic
feedback, the rest is history. Surprisingly, even a miniscule amount of
nonlinearity causes the energy to become highly localized. A number of the
"springs" go into permanent large amplitude oscillations balanced by the
remaining masses becoming "vibrationally cold" Note: there is no violation
of CoE per se - at least not until the abnormally large vibrations are able
to stimulate another unrelated kind of reaction - such as transient
hexavalent ionization (nuclear fusion is possible but far less likely). 

The water window is a spectrum where the  semi-coherency effect is seen, and
this turns up in Forster resonance, where all of it ties into hexavalency by
way of the Rydberg value of certain transition metals, notably nickel -
which have the 300 eV ionization potential at the 6th cumulative IP (which
will catalyze hydrogen into a deeply redundant ground state). As a result,
no nuclear fusion is required for large thermal gain, only loss of electron
angular momentum.

As we know, hexavalency is an unusual property in some compounds for
unpredictable reasons. In a most bizarre case, hexavalency permits uranium,
one of the densest elements (twice the density of lead) to become gaseous.
Bizarre. Nickel is not normally hexavalent, but it can become so in the
Rossi effect -thus harnessing electron spin for large energy gain. Battelle
knows this, and may have scooped the LENR/Rossi/Mills crowd on the patent

Perhaps the most important "exotic" active materials available at moderate
cost to independent researchers for investigating energy anomalies are the
so-called "half-metals" : specifically a few transition metal oxides with
high valence flexibility, and especially in column 6 of the Periodic table:
tungsten, molybdenum and chromium.  Add sulfur to this mix and essentially
you have the Bergius catalysts - which can be called the gateway to the
Rossi effect.  Rossi made a fortune on Bergius; and then lost it all... but
now stands poised for his revenge, with a capital V.

If you do not know Rossi's history with Petrodragon and the Bergius process,
which forms the foundation for his later work - then this collage of applied
physics minutiae may seem unconnected.


"There are no coincidences - only the illusion of coincidence" 
        ... attributed to Alan Moore (V)... not to mention, to Joe Leaphorn,
Harry Bosch, Sherlock Holmes and a few other close observers.

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