Mark, according to my understanding, ANY material can be made nuclear active as long as H+ can dissolve in the material. The challenge is to know what change has to occur too create the NAE. Each theory suggests a different change. Simply making alloys is a waste of time unless this additional step is understood and implemented. Very little progress has been made because people are searching for the wrong variable. Until the method to create the NAE is discovered, no material will produce a reliable nuclear reaction.

Ed Storms

On May 29, 2013, at 3:13 PM, MarkI-ZeroPoint wrote:

"We know that Ni powder sinters at the temperature being produce"

What about adding some small amount of some other element to raise the
sintering/melting temp; commonly done in alloying.

OOTB suggestion...
Anyone ever tried an alloy of Ni and Pd???  Ni and Ti???
LENR works with both, NAE possible with BOTH.

-Mark Iverson

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