> From: "Joshua Cude" <joshua.c...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 12:16:19 PM

> The paper says they *replaced* the triac with a control box.

OK -- in fig 6 (Dec) they show a blue-and-yellow CONTROL box and three triacs. 

They don't have a picture for March, so we don't know if it includes the 
functionality of the blue-and-yellow box or just replaces the triac.

The control box is inside the boundary of Rossi's black box, so it's irrelevant.


You remind me of the creationist who demands evidence of the "missing link". 

The scientist finds it.

"Aha!" Says the creationist. "Now you've got TWO missing links !!!!"

(Zeno, was it?)


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