Jones Beene <> wrote:

> It would be nice to get Infinity Turbine to donate a few weeks of testing
> time on their ORC device which had been modified with a DC generator
> driving a bank of Ultracaps.

This would be nice. It would be a lot of fun. I personally would feel
gratified and pleased to see this. However, it would not convince a single
skeptic. They would simply say that all this equipment is fake or there is
a hidden wire or some other trick.

Frankly I don't see what purpose this test would serve at this stage in the
development. Can you tell us what this would show that the present tests do
not? Would this raise your confidence in the results? If so, why? If you
suspect Rossi might be sneaking power in through the AC lines, surely it
would be easier to address this with something like a battery backup, a
generator, or a better watt meter.

I think this would be a distraction and a waste of money.

The skeptics would also say that any test conducted in Rossi's presence or
in his laboratory cannot be fully convincing. There is something be said
for that. I would prefer to see the gadget tested in an independent
laboratory. Heck I would prefer to see 10,000 copies of this device being
tested in laboratories all over the world.

- Jed

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