From: Jed Rothwell 


This would be nice. It would be a lot of fun. I personally would feel
gratified and pleased to see this. However, it would not convince a single
skeptic. They would simply say that all this equipment is fake or there is a
hidden wire or some other trick.


Frankly I don't see what purpose this test would serve at this stage in the
development. Can you tell us what this would show that the present tests do


Yes, self-power would convince many skeptics but not all - since the ways to
cheat have been minimized. Actually self-powering with an ORC genset and a
HotCat would probably convince a majority of present skeptics - all but the
Cude crowd.


And yes, there is a significant qualitative difference between COP of 6 and
COP of 2.5 in terms of market value. The HotCat could be on either end of
that spectrum, based on what the last report indicated. 


If the device cannot self-power, it is still valuable with a lower COP, the
proverbial hot water or space heater - but if it can self-power now, it
becomes an immediate TDI - Trillion Dollar Invention in the eyes many top


That is the purpose of going for it now. 


How much capital does Rossi need to fast tract it, or stated another way -
does a 63 year old inventor want to see his baby fully developed in the
marketplace during in his lifetime - or not?


Of course, the device under test would not be optimized at this stage, even
if it self-powers, so we would need to extrapolate - but closing the loop or
even getting close - would bring Rossi massive investment capital. 


But with a COP on the lower end, he probably is stuck with whatever
AmpEnergo can scrape up.





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