
A replication of my proof that a DC cheater current can not steal undetected 
power from a sine wave line source was completed.  I will make a further post 
explaining the particulars later.  This issue should be put to rest.  As you 
say, we know how to measure power accurately.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jed Rothwell <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Mon, Jun 3, 2013 9:36 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:A Couple Hundred Bucks Maybe...

Jouni Valkonen <> wrote:

However convincing proof, if that is desired, is just that ecat is made to do 
real work while it is completely unplugged.

Yes. If they could do this without melting the machine it would be a good idea. 
Since they already melted one, no one should doubt that will happen again.

 Simplest real work could be heating a pool of water. Even short heat after 
death event is convincing if hidden power sources are carefully searched.

WHY are you so certain that wattmeters do not work?!? Where does this weird 
notion come from? They are as reliable as any other modern instrument. There is 
no chance Rossi can fool one, and if the people doing the test have any doubt 
about that, they can bring a portable generator.

This notion that we cannot measure input electric power is irrational. It is 
nonsensical. If the input was close to the output, it might make sense, but it 
a factor of 3 or more smaller.

To put it another way, if you do not trust the wattmeter, why would you trust 
the IR camera or thermocouple? If Rossi can fool a wattmeter he can fool any 

- Jed

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