You guys should present our best critiques directly to Pomp.

On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 11:22 AM, Alan Fletcher <> wrote:

> > From: "Berke Durak" <>
> > Sent: Friday, June 28, 2013 11:17:26 PM
> > It's still very unreasonable.
> >
> > It would mean that all the hard, camera-specific calibration work
> > Optris & their software does would have been thrown away, to be
> > replaced by something Levi et al. would do at great expense for a
> > result with much lower confidence.
> Exactly. In their "IR Basics" document Optris give a formula for
> calculating temperature which involves five constants. (Actually, they
> write it with one constant, but that would just cancel out in the equation).
> The only thing that would make a small amount of sense would be to present
> the data from all pixels (I don't have the spec at hand .. I think it's
> about a 1MP camera) rather than binning them into areas for the energy
> calculation.
> I guess the laws of statistics on averaging are busted too.  Who would
> have thought Rossi was such a genius as to be able to do THAT as well!)

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