On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 9:13 PM, Alan Fletcher <a...@well.com> wrote:

Gee [ and we won't even get the final report =8-(  ] --- wishing you the
> best for your ongoing endeavors.

Same here.  That's too bad.  Good luck with your next engagement.

Forbes and Wired are practically the only mainstream publications that have
been touching LENR in the past few years.  I'm sure there were some letters
written to your supervisors, trying to help them understand that you were
putting Forbes's reputation at risk.  They will have used monetary terms --
"Forbes will lose X dollars in revenue from lost visits if it continues to
allow itself to be used as a platform for pseudoscience boosterism."  This
kind of thing can be scary for managers.  Perhaps there was no conspiracy;
but neither I would not write one off right away.


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