On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 8:41 AM, Edmund Storms <stor...@ix.netcom.com>wrote:

> The scary part is that intelligent people would consider this claim even
> plausible when the idea is obviously the hallucination of an insane mind.
> Of course the government lies, of course it does bad things, of course it
> cannot be trusted. But the government does operate in predictable ways.
> Gaining any benefit from setting off a nuclear weapon anywhere in the US
> gives no benefit whatsoever.

I disagree, if you are twisted, and want the power of fear over people to
control them with more draconian measures and to start a war because you
want people to support for conquest, and lowering the population,
overthrowing governments and because it would cause huge financial gain for
military manufacturing.

Only an insane mind would consider such an act to have any benefit.

I consider that to be the case of many in politics.

>  I do not believe the US is being lead by insane people.

That is where you and I differ.

> They may be ignorant, stupid, or self-centered, but they are not insane.
> Bush was the closest person that fit this category, but he is gone along
> with the rest of his group.

I am afraid that I am unable to understand the sense in a great many things
that are done.

You have failed to consider precisely what I said in the first email, that
horrific things are planned and done by governments, including the US

The only issue is that the only non-controversial cases are historical as
and recent example is likely to be hotly debated.

Do you need evidence that they used to be insane?

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