From: Roarty, Francis X 


Maybe this is why Venus rotates so slowly while all the other planets that
orbit the sun ccw rotate much faster. Rotation  being driven by a Tesla
ether eating dynamic/whirlpool instead of opposing it.. all the other kids
in the pool are in opposition to the direction Venus wants to make the pool


Curious factoids about Venus which could indicate a power source which
"beyond" solar (possibly "dark energy" or possibly quantum vacuum related).
Venus is hotter than Mercury (much hotter at the poles) despite being much
further away from the Sun, but the assumption has always been that this is
due to thick atmosphere holding in heat. That is partly true for sure but
the atmosphere also reflects much solar radiation. And there is volcanism,
indicative of internal heating. For most observers, there is no reason to
look further, but .


1)    It takes 117 Earth days for one Venus day and rotation is
"retrograde". Each "hour" on Venus is roughly equivalent to 4 Earth days.
One could almost say that Venus has almost no axial spin. But the "dark
side" surface of Venus nevertheless emits UV.

2)    Wind speeds are extraordinarily high given the lack of rotation. There
is no magnetic field at all on Venus.

3)    Wind speeds are much higher than the planet's tiny rotational speed -
wind averages 350 km/hr from East to West as the atmosphere recirculates
completely around the planet many times per day. Given the atmospheric
pressure is around 1400 psi (almost all CO2), the combination of speed and
pressure of a hot dense gas should smooth the surface like a billiard ball,
but radar shows that there are mountains, and a few craters indicating an
active interior - spewing sulfuric acid.

4)    The north-south component of wind speeds is zero at the equator, 

5)    Superimposed on all this are variable planetary waves that travel
around the planet over periods of 4 or 5 days - kind of like a constant


If there is an external power source, it could be related to "dark matter"
or dark energy, but could there be a LENR component as well?


We know that there is a cloud layer of H2SO4 over the normal atmosphere
(which is being constantly replaced via volcanism) and that Venus has a
distinct "night glow" emission in the UV range. This sulfur layer is like a
greenhouse keeping heat in - BUT - it also keeps solar radiation out, so the
issue of "another heat source" is not settled.


This nightglow has been variously attributed to CO/CO2 ions and other
chemistry but we cannot rule out the typical UV emission from ground state
redundancy in hydrogen - thus there "could be" a LENR component to the
thermodynamics of Venus.




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