Recently we had a short discussion concerning objects being ejected from 
planetary systems such as ours.  I was toying with the Planets program that I 
stumbled upon when testing Linux.  That program is very interesting and it is 
easy to fiddle away hours of time just observing how planets interact in a two 
dimensional stellar system.  I recommend that anyone desiring to be fascinated 
give it a try!

One interesting observation that caught my attention was that so many objects 
appeared to be ejected from the system as they interacted with others orbiting 
the star.  My concern is that this suggested that perhaps millions of these 
large and dangerous objects would be drifting in open space and some might 
actually find their way to earth.  I made a short post to the list and some of 
the vorts suggested that the reason for the apparent onslaught was rounding off 
errors in the math calculating the inverse square law interactions.  I looked 
into the issue further and come away believing that the effect is real and they 
are out there.

In further playing with these types of systems, I generated some with two 
similar sized star equivalents in orbit around themselves.  Each one was 
orbiting the center of mass of the system at a fairly fast rate.  When I 
introduced planets to the system, it was brutal.  Almost every one of the 
planets that passed near the stars was immediately sent rapidly exiting the 
system or found itself being destroyed by one of the pair.  This effect was so 
pronounced that I realized that there must be something that demonstrated its 
powerful influence under these conditions.

I reviewed planetary orbits and found the reason fairly quickly.  The escape 
velocity associated with a star or planet is only the square root of two times 
larger than the orbital velocity at that radius.  Also, gravity assist is used 
to send space probes into and beyond the outer reaches of the solar system all 
the time and is quite effective.  A typical probe can gain the orbital velocity 
of the object that it encounters by a moderately close fly by.  With this 
process available, an object that begins at a position that is for example 
located at the distance of the Earth from the sun can fly by Mercury and gain 
sufficient speed to escape the suns gravity entirely.  This same effect would 
result in the ejection of many random objects that find their way near to inner 
planets.  This would likely happen often and the program appears to demonstrate 
this nicely.

To add some numbers to the words: The escape velocity for an object at the 
distance of Mercury from the Sun is 67.7 kilometers/second.  The same figure 
for an Earth distance object is 42.1 kilometers/second.  So our object orbiting 
at the Earth's distance from the Sun would be moving at 42.1 km/sec / 1.1414 or 
 29.77 km/sec.  Now, if we direct the object toward Mercury and pick up its 
orbital velocity of 67.7 km/sec / 1.414 which is 47.87 km/sec , then it is 
evident that it will have sufficient velocity to escape the Sun's influence.

For these reasons, I believe that empty space between stars is more than likely 
not empty at all and that many large objects are passing through the solar 
system every year as they wander about.  The probability of collisions is 
small, but not zero due to the enormous dimensions of space and one day we 
might observe a close encounter of the nasty kind.  I would not be surprised if 
it eventually is determined that hoards of these asteroids and comets have 
impacted us in the past and come in groups as each of the nearby star ejection 
events during their births reach our distance.  Since planetary systems 
stabilize in a few million years from what I have read, the ejections and 
resulting collisions should occur during relatively short historical time 

It would be interesting to calculate how far one of these hoards reaches in a 
billion years and compare that to the distance between forming stars.  Perhaps 
someone needs a hobby? :-)


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