Perhaps the energy is coming from the rotational energy of the earth, i.e. 

Coriolis effect <> 

( which as I look at it, is a fudge factor needed to account for anomalies
when you assume you're

in an inertial frame of reference, but really aren't due to the rotation of
the earth.).


One could extract energy from the earth by raising a weight vertically, then
letting it fall

whilst letting it's east-west tendency generate force X distance.  For
example if the

surface of the earth is moving at 1000 km/hour and you raise a weight such
that the speed is

now 1001 km/hour, as you let it fall you could extract 1 km/hour of kinetic
energy from it.


I think that'd be a pretty small effect, hence the huge machine to get
anything useful.

It would be interesting to see if it's orientation was north-south along its
rotational axis.


Hoyt Stearns

Scottsdale, Arizona US




-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Blanton [] 
Sent: Saturday, February 8, 2014 12:25 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:: RAR gravity engine


On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 9:59 PM, Jed Rothwell <
<>> wrote:


> Actually, the person you want to convince is Terry Blanton. He is our 

> resident expert in magnetic motors. He says he looked at some of them 

> closely and found they did not work.


Skeptical by experience.  We tested spirals, pulsed, shielded . . .

every configuration we could imagine and found them conservative.

But, I'm still open if someone has a new idea.

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