Dave--Bob Cook here

Pd has one of the highest magnetic susceptibility of any metal.  The electrons 
line up in an applied field to establish a very large B field in the Pd matrix. 
 The susceptibility determines the relative intensity of the internal and 
external magnetic fields.  I am not sure how the susceptibity changes with 
temperature.  It may also decrease as with Ni.  Nuclei with high nuclear 
magnetic moments would respond to this B field and line up their spin vector  
parallel or anti-parallel to the local B field.  Thus, impurities may make for 
local variations in the B field or magnetic traps for particles which have a 
magnetic moment and are  free to move through the matrix.   Ni is a ferro 
magnetic metal which can retain an alignment of the electrons so as to create a 
permanent magnet and B field after the elimination of an external field.  Pd 
which is paramagnetic* loses its internal B field when an external magnetic 
field is removed.  

Some compounds, for example rare earth oxides, magnetic susceptibilities 20 to 
30 times the susceptibility of Pd.  They might be the catalyst that Rossi talks 

The following link identifies magnetic susceptibities for various compounds and 

*Diamagnetic atoms have only paired electrons, whereas paramagnetic atoms, 
which can be made magnetic, have at least one unpaired electron.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Axil Axil 
  To: vortex-l 
  Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2014 9:31 PM
  Subject: Re: [Vo]:More Magnetic Coupling Thoughts

  There is no limit on the strength of a magnetic field.

  From the inverse square law, how strong can a magnetic field be at one 
nanometer on the walls of a nano-cavity, when it is detected at 18cm to be 1.6 
tesla? It is at least atomic level (10^5 tesla) or on the high end about 10^12 
to 10^16 tesla.  

  On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 12:19 PM, David Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com> wrote:

    Looking deeper into the magnetic coupled positive feedback LENR reaction, I 
have a few ideas to pass along.  I understand that a magnetic field has 
essentially unlimited access to the atomic structure.  By this I mean that a 
large, static external field can penetrate through the electron cloud 
surrounding atoms as well as proceed directly throughout the region of the 
nucleus.  The same is certainly not true for an electric field since movement 
of charged particles takes place to eliminate any internal field outside the 
atoms themselves.

    This freedom of magnetic field movement enables coupling to exist among 
electrons and protons that make up the atomic structures of all connected, and 
particularly nearby, atoms.  i suspect that any magnetic coupling path which 
transports a significant quantity of energy away from a reaction site would 
exhibit rapid variations in its magnitude and direction.   This rapid flux 
change would likely be attenuated as it passes through the conductive metal 
lattice and tends to limit the distance of the effective coupling.  The 
expected attenuation is proportional to the rate of fluxuation.

    Another interesting feature of the magnetic field behavior is that nickel 
has magnetic domains that modify the local field pattern within the metal at 
low to moderate temperatures.  At above the Curie temperature(355C) this effect 
goes away and that also happens to be in the range of temperatures at which 
LENR activity begins to become important.  This may be a coincidence, but I 
suspect not.

    I believe that a positive feedback mechanism is in play because of the 
large magnitude of the measured external magnetic field reported by DGT.  Any 
random process that results in charge movement must tend to cancel out the 
field when integrated over a significant volume of material.   So, if the 
magnetic coupling among the active sites enhances the reaction rate and those 
induced reactions increase the initial field in phase, then both build to a 
large level as I have mentioned previously.

    A characteristic of this type of system would be for it to exhibit a 
threshold effect.  Until adequate coupling between sites exists, very little 
LENR activity would be expected to occur.  Too few of what we typically refer 
to as NAE and you only see weak nuclear activity.  Perhaps the normal magnetic 
domains of moderate temperature nickel disrupt the process which again might 
attenuate the coupling.  Impurities within the metal could be a factor to 
contend with in some instances.  The list of problems which prevent the 
positive feedback from reaching the required threshold may be extensive and has 
done a significant job of obscuring LENR.

    DGT apparently has discovered the recipe that enables the magnetic coupling 
to occur.   The same likely is true of Rossi, although he has not publicly 
described any magnetic field effects except in coded terms.  The recent 
revelation that P&F used a large external magnetic field supports the present 
concept.  If their system had adequate natural internal magnetic coupling and 
the associated feedback, then the external field may not have been necessary.

    Is anyone aware of how a strong magnetic field from an external source 
effects the structure of atoms?   Do the electrons adjust their orbits in such 
a manner as to eliminate the external field that extends into the nucleus in a 
manner similar to the behavior of a super conductor?  This is important to 
understand if we are to determine how the nearby nuclei couple via the field.  
Also, movement of the charges associated with the metal atoms as well as the 
hydrogen might reveal the hidden mechanism responsible for the fusion.  The 
exact cause is still lacking explanation.

    The question remains as to how a strong guiding magnetic field can enhance 
a fusion reaction that then makes a significant contribution to the driving 
field.  Axil has one general proposal to consider, but there may be a more 
specific one.


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