From: Bob Cook 
*       Ni is a ferro magnetic metal which can retain an alignment of the
electrons so as to create a permanent magnet and B field after the
elimination of an external field.  Pd which is paramagnetic loses its
internal B field when an external magnetic field is removed. 


Nickel does not exactly "lose" its B field at the Curie point. In Ahern's
testing of lattice samples based on the Arata experiments, the thermal gain
which was seen was indeed associated with the Curie point of Ni at around
350C. But note that some observers have not appreciated the most important
fine detail of that magnetic transition.

The Curie point is where a material's permanent magnetism changes to induced
magnetism, but the internal field does not necessarily fade away or
randomize, especially if that material is "loaded" so to speak. The field
lines can be imagined as shifting between antiferromagnetic and
ferrimagnetic alignments when hydrogen is loaded into a nickel matrix, or
even adsorbed by a surface layer - since hydrogen favors antiferromagnetism.
This is a profound difference in the context of sequential phase-change
manipulation in nickel (or palladium) and it points to a non-nuclear
mechanism for gain (actually it is nuclear, but not in an obvious way).

When fully loaded, then - a ferromagnetic lattice (like Ni or an alloy) will
benefit from the opposite spin alignment of hydrogen which maintains
internal antiferromagnetic order across the Curie point via inductance. And
one detail of Ahern's work was to try to maintain the cell on the knifes
edge of the transition temperature. This Curie point is also a phase-change.
Phase changes can be surprisingly energetic in themselves (in the 1+ eV

Thus, there is a suspicion that phase change itself can be the anomalous
energy source in some systems - instead of LENR. But isn't that a cop-out?
How would this kind of phase change system be ultimately powered - so as not
to violate CoE?

That is the $64 question, but phase change, magnons, spin coupling and QCD
are all interconnected ... and Ni-H is probably, in its ultimate incarnation
in the E-Cat - a strong force reaction where proton average mass is depleted
over time, just as excess energy is put into the system by spin coupling to
protons in QCD color charge dynamics. 

Proton mass cannot be quantized because quark mass is not quantized and
there is about a 7 ppm variation in mass across any sample. This allows
protons to give up several keV via spin coupling to magnons - and retain
full identity as protons. This limitation explains why Ni-H system will not
have the level of energy which we associate with nuclear energy.

Alloys and dopants can make a large difference in that Curie point value,
but it corresponds nicely to an important THz excitation spectra which is
within what can be called the NASA range - of important IR levels of
quasi-coherency (5-30 THz) which is the photons that interact with SPP
(surface plasmon polaritons).

The magnetic interaction in Ni-H is very complex, but is now unfolding. 



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