James Bowery <jabow...@gmail.com> wrote:

> if an extremely wealthy person such as Bill Gates believed that cold
>> fusion is real, he would be crazy no to invest in it.
> Assuming he was not doing it for philanthropic purposes, wouldn't he be
> crazy to let anyone know he was investing in it?

I would find out. People such as Ed Storms and McKubre would find out. It
is a small world. People are not going to do research without word getting
out. I may not know where the money is coming from, but if someone starts
spending millions per year on cold fusion, they will have to hire grad
students and consult with people, and word will get out.

If you are a billionaire but you are only going to spend tens of thousands
instead of millions, I might not hear about it. An investor who does not
spend millions is wasting his money. If we could get somewhere with
shoestring budgets, we would have made progress years ago. If someone asked
me "what kind of research can I do with $50,000?" I would say go to the
racetrack and bet the money. You will have more chance of making a profit
than you would putting the money in cold fusion.

- Jed

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