James Bowery <jabow...@gmail.com> wrote:

I bet the Israelis could pull it off without word getting out.

I do not think so. They have never been able to keep their nuclear weapons
programs secret. People have known about these programs since 1957 when
they began.

To make a practical cold fusion device, it will take more money and more
people than Israel devoted to nuclear weapons. Word will get out. They
might be able to do few experiments in secret, but there is no way they
could produce motors or other devices without spending billions of dollars
and involving many people. I am sure Israel is capable of doing this, but
not in secret.

Israel spent far less developing weapons than the U.S. did during WWII.
They did not have to discover as much. Scientists worldwide already knew
how to make bombs in 1957. With cold fusion, they are practically starting
from scratch.

- Jed

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