From: Eric Walker  


This working assumption (of a known fusion reaction) is not justifiable by
facts, logic or common sense.


Sure.  That's you're opinion.  You're entitled to an opinion.


Sorry to have made this blanket statement in regard to your prior post 
specifically, Eric, since it is a generic criticism to many of the posts on 
Vortex and not personal - but…


No, it’s not opinion when 100% of the available proof is on your side.


It is fact that LENR is not and cannot be a known fusion reaction, since it is 
fact that no known nuclear fusion reaction is gamma free. QED.


Since 1989, there have been assertions and claims, but they are only 
assertions, that LENR is proof of a gammaless nuclear reaction, but that is 
circular logic. LENR is proof of a thermal anomaly, and helium is seen in the 
ash, but that is all that can be said logically. 


Even if helium is seen in proportion to the excess heat, which is in dispute, 
that does not raise LENR to the level of a known fusion reaction which is 
gammaless, at least not so long as there are other valid explanations. To be 
raised to this level the claimant must also demonstrate in an experiment not 
involving LENR that 24 MeV gammas can be completely suppressed by any 
mechanism. Any mechanism will suffice. This has not been done, even with 1 MeV 
gammas since there is always leakage – even with lead shielding.


By definition, cold fusion cannot be the same known reaction as deuterium 
fusion to helium, which was known prior to 1989 - if it is gammaless – unless 
and until it can be shown that there is a real physical mechanism for not only 
for suppressing gammas, but for suppressing 100% of them without exception. 


How is that opinion? 




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