Daniel Rocha <danieldi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> One assumption is, you think the only thing they have host is that page.

That was the only thing visible on that server. There were not other pages,
mail services, boards, or other visible pages.

>  There are other assumptions. like they got a DDOS attack.

Yes, that is what I said. It seems unlikely.

They have very low traffic, according to Alexa and other services. Here's
something interesting:


> Only assumptions. Or, they have investors, but are just working on a
> secured line with their costumers, so they abandoned the page.

If they had abandoned it, there would be another message.

The registration still has a couple of years, as I said.

>  Or want more security by closing contacts until they finish developing
> and test their lastest iteration of the  Hyperion.

The ISP would have no role in that. This was triggered by the ISP, on
purpose or by accident. It could be a glitch. LENR-CANR.org has gone down
for hours at a time for various reasons. In those cases you could not reach
it at all.

- Jed

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