*By the way, I can't wait to tell Per and all like him that his courses of
study are no longer needed to be replaced by the department of LENR; and
those obnoxious and arrogant nuclear reactor operators who think that they
have a lock on certain and truth.  *

*Permanent unemployment for these types is called for as a lesson in
humility. Am I bad?*

On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 10:47 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I value the discussions I have with Jed as a rare privilege in the same
> way that Bill Clinton valued his contact with JFK as a young man. The
> privilege of discussion with such emanates and illustrious personages as
> Jed and Ed Storms are a rare opportunity that the internet makes possible.
> I had many similar adversarial discussions with dr. Per Peterson of
> the Beckley criticizing Per's reactor designs when such criticism was
> required.
> http://www.nuc.berkeley.edu/People/Per_Peterson
>  He was always gracious as all giants in their fields are. That is until
> I got band from that nuclear energy site for mentioning the possibility and
> validity of LENR.
> That blatant homage to pseudoscience was just too much. All my posts were
> removed and my name as well as all mention of LENR was eliminated from all
> storage and memory on that site.
> I hope such censorship and intolerance to ideas is uncommon here.
> On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 10:08 PM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:
>> Fair enough.
>> As long as you have no financial interest, your opinion is as valid as any
>> other educated observer here, but at least give Rothwell credit for being
>> a
>> top expert, held in high regard on this list - having been involved for
>> several decades with no bias, and having never shown prejudice in the past
>> for companies or inventors who did not deserve the criticism they
>> received.
>> We all must realize that any form of alternative energy draws scammers
>> like
>> a magnet, and DGT was from the very first report associated with a list of
>> unsavory characters - which you may not remember, and which no one wants
>> to
>> bring up again, as it is not relevant to the situation today... assuming
>> of
>> course that they have anything like the technology they claim... which I
>> think they may have. What they seem to lack is top level management
>> skills.
>>                 From: Daniel Rocha
>>                 No, I am not investor. But I know enough of DGT to know
>> that
>> they might save the world.
>>                 But why isn't my opinion honest? Why can't I putting him
>> down? I Why can't I shill? If I think Defkalion is going to save the
>> world,
>> why can't I give counter points? Remember that this forum can be viewed by
>> anyone, it's open. So, it's important to give him counter points.
>>                 Jones Beene wrote:
>>                 - in the interest for furthering LENR ... while you are
>> acting like little more than a shill, and putting him down with every
>> post.
>>                 --
>>                 Daniel Rocha - RJ
>>                 danieldi...@gmail.com

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