I agree high voltage or magnetic field is part of it like Tesla’s effort to 
solidify the ether but IMHO it will take 2 independent fields interacting with 
a carrier of some sort – hydrogen or photons – to give ZPE a path into our 
dimension. I suspect the fields will individually segregate the vacuum slightly 
but without a Maxwellian system to exploit the segregation it will cancel out, 
a second field provides this potential thru simple alignment of these 
segregated fields like gravitational lensing provides a path for photons to be 
amplified I think similar can be achieved with vacuum, really far out on a limb 
even suspect UFO’s could be visible effects of this alignment of segregated 
vacuum forming lenses along a dilated dimensional path that peers into the 
future.. not an energy scheme but still I suspect all these anomalies of ufo, 
levitation and zero point energy are related to anomalies in vacuum pressure in 
the same way we accept time dilation thru luminal acceleration. I don’t think 
it was a coincidence that Naudts paper on relativistic hydrogen was based on 
the hydrino loaded into a stationary skeletal catalyst in a lab in NJ… there 
isn’t any near luminal displacement or event horizions occurring in NJ so what 
was he trying to say?

From: MarkI-Zeropoint [mailto:zeropo...@charter.net]
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2014 7:51 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: EXTERNAL: RE: [Vo]:Is the CMB leakage from Dirac's Sea?

That's easy!

Reduce the turbulence in the stream, which for the Dirac Sea, means using an 
intense electric or magnetic field to polarize the vacuum...

-mark iverson

On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 12:53 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

 Taking all of this together, there seems to exist a prima facie case for this 

1)     Dark matter is inherent in the quantum vacuum, meaning it is an illusion 
in 3-space except for gravitational effects
2)     The quantum vacuum = Dirac sea = dark matter
3)     CMB is not a relic of a Big Bang but is residual radiation from the 
Dirac sea

Now comes the interesting part. Can this information, if valid, be put to use 
in alternative energy?

One seemingly obvious way to proceed is to consider CMB as a “leak” of some 
kind. If it is a leak, then we want to increase the flow rate.

There are many ways to increase the flow rate of various streams, some of which 
are applicable to microwave photons … so let the games begin…

From: ChemE Stewart

From: David Roberson
A thought just came to me while considering alternate explanations for the CMB. 
 Dark matter is assumed to be distributed throughout the universe and is 
supposed to clump together around galaxy centers and other large massive 
objects.  I have long wondered how this congregation of material could occur in 
matter that has no way to release the gravitational energy by radiation as with 
normal matter.  Perhaps the CMB is generated gradually by the condensation of 
the dark matter.
Or … perhaps dark matter is another aspect of the Dirac Sea ?

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