On Sun, Jun 22, 2014 at 8:49 AM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

it sure looks to me like the protons and neutrons in the input material are
> being chopped up, blended together, and reformed into a wide range of both
> light and heavy output elements. ... For example, in the Mizuno reaction,
> it looks like the neutrons of deuterium in the hydrogen envelope are being
> reformatted into an equal number of protons in a reaction that takes energy
> to perform (endothermic).
> What is LENR doing to those deuterium atoms? It also looks like the metal
> lattice substrate is being changed.

Another possibility is that we're seeing some fairly mundane things here:

   - where additional protons are being seen, there is spallation of
   deuterium from prompt particles.
   - where isotopes are shifting by several protons, there is pile-on of
   multiple proton capture reactions occurring (there's no clear reason that
   the shifts would need to be instantaneous).
   - where we see additions of other elements (copper, iron, etc.) in their
   natural isotopic ratios, this is due to successive neutron and proton
   capture reactions, selected for favorable energy release.

This line of explanation is probably much less plausible than one involving
QCD or the Higgs field, of course.   ;)


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