one challenge of classic LENr theory (I mean, classic QM, led what Ed
Storms propose) is the difference of energy scale between
chemistry/electronic energy and the MeV of nuclear energy...

Here we see relativistic electrons have such MeV energy (I don't see how
much, but the synchrotron is at this scale or above)

now "reverting the time" is not so evident because of thermodynamic...

what could be imagined is thus nuclear excitation of a  periodic lattice,
which accelerate relativistic electrons...
not sure it can be reversible? and I imagine that electrons cannot be
accelerated from low energy electrons, but from already energetic

maybe are those relativistic electrons (or protons? or some pseudo
particle) linked to some superconduction, or graphene-like electrons....

more question than answers...

I imagine one plumber idea (don't laugh) based on Hydroton theory.

imagine a chain of hydrotons (1D metallic
hydrogen -p-e-p-e-p-e-p-e-p-e-p-e-p-e-)

now imagine that a solitons propagating on the chain on that chain push a
random p-e-p to fuse into d

suddenly you have -p-e-p-e-p-e-  d  -e-p-e with a vacancy... maybe creating
a soliton that can accelerate electron, or even p-e- node and create
gamma... and why don is that soliton able to trigger another

question is energy scale... If I understand well that soliton is normally a
phonon of low energy, so my idea is wrong...
Discrete breather may be of higher energy, but how much? keV? MeV?

maybe also can there be solitons who are based not on nucleus movement
(phonon), but  on nucleus excitation (how? nuclei isomeric transition? but
how to propagate it?)

the more I dig the more I understand that the most easy answer is to say it
is impossible. problem is that it happens.

cand some physicist , staying in known quantum physics (no new physics
please), can tell me the various collective mechanism, pseudo-particles,
 that can appear at KeV/MeV scale?
It seems nuclei are a bit insulated in their atom, except when impacted ...

2014-06-28 5:25 GMT+02:00 Axil Axil <>:

> A Crystalline Undulator
> A flow of electrons can produce gamma rays if an undulate can vibrate them
> at the proper wavelength.
> With every physical law being symmetric, it is reasonable to expect that a
> flow of electrons can absorb gamma rays if these electrons can move with
> the proper motions.

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